Wordsearch2 Applet
supporting the ONETAG parameter!

-- written by Eric C. Harshbarger while at the New Media Marketing lab at Sun Microsystems, Inc..
New additions include allowances for an image and sound to be included in a 'payoff' after the puzzle is solved.
This applet constructs a 'seek-a-word' puzzle based on a list of words you provide and a gridsize for the board.

To use the applet one must download the code and place it in the same directory as the .html document in which the puzzle is to appear.

The param tags are the lines which customize the applet to your needs. Following is a list of all the parameter options which are currently applicable. Note that the 'name=' of the parameter as typed into the HTML document SHOULD BE CAPITALIZED... it is not necessary to capitalize the 'value' attributes. Defaults (where described) indicate what appropriate values will be used if not explicitly given in the HTML document.

parameters (also read about the optional ONETAG notation for parameters)


The WORDLIST should simply be a string of words which are to be hidden. Words should be separated by 'whitespace'. You may make the list as long as you wish, but the program may not be able to fit them all in the board (depending on the GRIDSIZE). The applet will start at the beginning of the list and work its way through the list, advancing to the next word if and only if it is able to place the current word.

GRIDSIZE refers to the dimensions of the square field into which the applet will place the words in the WORDLIST. Obviously, the smaller the GRIDSIZE (relative to the length of the WORDLIST and the length of individual words), the harder it will be to use all the words. And, of course, none of the words should be longer in length than the desired GRIDSIZE. The default size is 10.

LISTNAME is simply an appropriate name to categorize the words you are hiding (assuming there is a common theme. The default is "WORD LIST".

STARTIMAGE is a paremeter which should direct the applet thru a relative directory path to an image which will appear behind the letters as the puzzles is being solved. Note that this image should have very low contrast (appear 'washed out'); otherwise the letters in the puzzle will probably be unreadable.

FINALIMAGE is an image which will appear in the letter area after the puzzle is solved. The parameter value should be the filename (including relative directory path from the HTML page).

FINALSOUND is a sound which will play after the puzzle is solved. The parameter value should be the filename (including relative directory path from the HTML page).

Words will be placed up/down/left/right/diagonally/fowards/backwards in random fashion. Here is an example of a small puzzle:

Check back periodically for later editions of this applet.

-- Comments and suggestions are welcome: harshec@cdware.eng.sun.com, address Eric Harshbarger

The Wordsearch2 applet may be used freely by anyone. Neither Sun Microsystems, Inc. nor Eric C. Harshbarger is responsible for any problems resulting from the malfunction or misuse of this applet.

© Copyright 1996, Sun Microsystems, Inc.